Thursday, 29 November 2007

For God's Sake

I have lived with several people in all my short life, since I went to the college. And I have met an uncountable number of different kind of person, each one with their own madness. However, it's always time to learn a little more about people.

When I decided to come to London, I did it by myself, not minding if I would be alone, or meet brasilian people, or anything else. I just decided to come. Obviously, I did know that I would probabily stay in a house with anothers brasilians, and I would make some mates here. Actually, I wasn't thinking about make friends, because this sort of relationship is deepest. And I wasn't thinking about share my room whith immature 20 year barbie girl. She's not a bad person, anyway, but is so "child", and silly, that I try to remind me like that and I can't! Is not because I am perfect, 'cause surely I am not, and i know it. It's because I always learn to respect the other people the same way I want they respect me. For example, I won't turn down the sound of Tv without ask if the other that is watching it minds. When I ask something to someone, I show interests indeed if the person have to leave and is just waiting me. I try always remember to say "Please", "Excuse-me", "Sorry", Thank you". And the worst is that I can't say anything, because the little girl shall be sad.

Seriously, i have no pacience for it, so I say somethings that put her down. Oh my friends know me. I am really kindness, but always sincere.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

The really worst is...

Everybody that cames to London says a lot of bad things about the food. The food isn't the better thing about London, anyway, but I think it's not the worst one because if you search in the right places you will find good done food actually cheaper. Surely it's not a good brasilian food, but is not fat food like pizza and hamburguer (which is found in every corner). The accomodation is still a problem, like I said before, but it is a solving problem.

The really big problem here, for me at least, is about the restrooms. In most of places you have to pay for use it. Where you don't have to pay, you must have a strong stomach. Even in the school. Even in your house, that is the worst. Because you will probabily not live with less than six persons, most of then, probabily men. And people here, independent of their nationality, go becoming more relaxed about the cleanig as the time pass. So you can imagine how the people that are here for more than a year mind about cleanning. Though the english people... I prefer don't comment...

Friday, 23 November 2007

Four Important things about London

The most important things you must do when you come to London is:
1st: Verify your accomodation (actually, it should be better you do it before come, because there's a lot of rubbish bin some agencies call home.
2nd: Get a map of Metro in any station, so you gonna have some sense of place here.
3rd: Get a job, it's impossible to live in London with Reais.
4th: If you need a spoon and hadn't brought one from Brasil, or wherelse, and you are under 21, ask a 23 year old friend of yours to buy it, cause you can't do it.

So, I didn't know about the accomodation, but I have been some kind lucky, cause some brasilians are hating their houses.

A friend gave a map of metro, ou tube, ou Underground, before I left Brazil, and friends here have explained me about the bus system, wich is very good, when the drivers don't ask everybody go out the bus, with no explanations.

The job I got today! Actually it is an experience time, but it's ok, because it's in Mc Donald's! Hahah, isn't it really funny? I think it is, and it's ok for me, cause I am funny anyway!

About the spoon. Lucky was my 20 year friend that I was with her!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Finally here!

Hallo my dear people. I can not explain how i am felling! God, I am loving almost everything here in London. The city is really beautiful, specially at nigth! And look what lucky i am: The night starts at 4 pm. Isn't it great?

About the travel: The plane was really good, and also the food. We had some turbulences (is it that word?) but nothing to be scared. Spain looks pretty amazing at night, seeing from the sky. But the airport is so complicated and the spanish people there don't like to give information. They are a little rude, you know. But London! God, I arrived in London it was about 10 am. And there was a high and shiny sun, so warm and amazing, that I was not believing i was alredy in England. But I was, and i am! And the sun, unfortunatelly, have not apeared anymore. It's raining all time and it's really, really cold. But I don't mind. I am in love with london skies anyway!

But I have to say: There's no english people here! The only native people a have met is my teacher (he is so funny!), and the woman that works in the supermarket (you know, receiving the money...).

So, it's that for a while. I have many histories, but i will lost the lasts minuts of daylight if i write all them now!

Just for finish: of course I didn't spend my weekend in my room. I went to a gorgeous Pub, wich has a confessionary inside, and in a dancing house that has three floors and a really long line to catch the coats back.

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

Esse é o caso

Tem gente sentindo falta dos meus cases. eu também, pra ser sincera. Estou sentindo uma falta enorme de escrever. Mas o caso é que não consigo. Primeiro porque a internet aqui não é muito legal - outro dia até que escrevi umas baboseiras, mas na hora de publicar, adivinha "o Internet Explorer não pode abrir a página solicitada". E o Blog nem pra salvar prestou, então a minha paciencia foi pro saco (capitão Nascimento que não me ouça).

O caso é que to uma pilha de excitação, ansiedade e mais umas coisas doidas que não dá pra explicar. Afinal, amanhã embarco em um voo de horas e horas até a inglaterra. Até parece mentira. Escrever isso aqui, parece lorota gente, mas não é, não! It´s true, I swear!

Vou então deixar pra contar mais casos quando tiver desembarcado, lembrando que não tenho Laptop, então, tudo vai depender de achar um pc acessível, rapidinho, e aí eu volto a publicar coisas e cases, aqui. Em inglês!