Friday, 18 January 2008

Trying Live Writer

borboleta I've got the Windows Live Writer, a tool which I can use to post in my blog, in case I don't want to use the own Blogspot's editor. Well, I'm trying, if it works and be better, I'll tell to my Blogmates, ok?

But, you know... Microsoft, we must be careful. They can send my posts to M16, CIA, Interpol or, worst, to ABIN (!).

Anyway, this tool has something very interesting for English learners: Spelling check!

About the text, let me see... It's possible row some world, underline,


bold, italic, format font colour, font size, font type, without needing to go HTML editor.

And you can also edit the picture (colour, brightness, etc), write on it, adjust its size. Insert maps

(any size toy want), videos (but I have no one), tables (as many lines and columns as you wish)

1 2
3 4

Well, I think it is...

1 comment:

Thiago Padula said...

Se o nome começa com Windows, não pode ser bom.

Ou pode, mas claro que eu nunca vou admitir.