Men's shirts short skirts, oh-oh-oh-oh.
Last weekend I made my first trip outside London - or should I say the first of my trips?. I went to Dublin, Ireland, with my Brazilian friend Mariana, and there I met some Brazilian friends - I actually didn't speak too much English there. So you might be asking the reason for this title if it's in Scotland that they use skirts, not in Ireland, isn't it? Yes, but what happened is that without knowing, I choose to travel in the same date of a Rugby match between Ireland and Scotland. So, a city that use to be quite, was completely crowded of Scottish people - plus tourists with no idea about what was happening.
Rugby is the national sport there. For those that have no idea what Rugby is, enjoy me. It seems like an American football with no protection. It's really rude. And the players really, really big. Well, I watched the match with my friends in a pub, where everyone (I mean, every-Irish-one), was drinking Guinnes. Even though I was understanding nothing about the game, I became glad because the winner was Ireland - I was there anyway. But the day after, when Mariana and myself went to a walk around the city, there was so many men in skirt that I wasn't sure anymore about who had won. Specially when I saw one guy, looking like an Irish, unawake at a door, that probably wasn't his. But someone would say that it was the only usual image of that weekend.
Ba, o 'american soccer' é o nosso futebol, o parente do rugby lá é 'football' mesmo. =P
E lembra daquele episódio do Friends que o Ross joga rugby pra impressionar a inglesinha?
obrigada, pads, ja concertei. Isso mostra bem o meu conhecimento sobre o mundo esportivo, heheh.
rugby is not the national sport of ireland. gaelic is!!!
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